When does a man decide he is ready to take the plunge? My
brothers. I have cracked my head for almost a week on this one. I have seen men
date a girl, call her everyday for three years, wine her and dine her, only to
disappear and next thing the relationship is called off. So what’s the deal?
Firstly, plenty plenty choices dey and he doesn’t want to
make the wrong choice. Why settle immediately for amala? What if the other dish
is better? Pounded yam, afang soup, fried rice, fresh cat fish, chocolate cake,
chicken and chips…God Almighty, lead this man not into temptation. C’mon a man gotta sample all the dishes then
choose the one that will gyrate his frequency.
A brother has to take his time cos this is for life and as a
male friend once told me, it’s all about
personal satisfaction –what makes him happy, what he can tolerate and
bottomline, if he’s ready financially, mentally and emotionally to be tied to
one woman for the rest of his life. My brothers am I right or am I right?
Women need to understand that “Will You Marry Me”, is the job
offer after a serious selection process, and like any interview, the
candidate with the most potential to succeed carries home the grand prize.
Ladies, understand what pleases your man in the long run. My lovely men, please
choose wisely!
Picture credit: www.ebay.com.au
e no easy oh