
Inspirational Quotes

  • To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. ― Donald Rumsfeld while serving as US Secretary of Defense

Monday, 13 April 2015


From personal experience, that is a BIG NO-NO in any relationship. I did that once and the astronomical consequences…haha. Trust is fundamental in any relationship, and if she’s going through your phone she probably doesn’t trust you.
My brother, come first, maybe you should check yourself oh. Are you telling her unbelievable lies? Or are you always telling her about a discussion you had or a place you both went and she has no clue what you’re talking about? Obviously, it was with another damsel but memory lapse… Are you giving her reasons not to trust you? Hmmm.
There are always two sides to a story so maybe she is just a jealous psycho yah?
Some chicks can be really possessive, and even the good ones sometimes let paranoia cloud our minds. So boo, you gotta be honest with yourself and figure out why she’s going through your phone – hopefully it’s not because you’re always cancelling on your dates. Can the situation be salvaged? You should let her understand that going through your phone is not healthy for the relationship. I don’t support emotional cheating on your chick, but men are strange creatures and indulge in weird habits so we can only tolerate your personal space.
At the end of the day, a man’s gonna do, what a man’s gonna do, so abeg if a sistah no fit accept you the way you are or she no sabi how to change the game, she gats commot dat relationship before kasala break for her head. Both of you should know when to walk away…from the troubles in your lives.

The truth shall set you free. 

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