But women can apologise oh. Whether she bashed your car, had
a fling when you were away, or ate your food, all she has to do is look into
your eyes, lean in close, rub your head, and the magic begins. Then, before you
know it, somehow she is much closer, too close sef. Body don begin melt.
That’s when she goes in for the kill: soft, slow kisses on
your neck, your forehead, your ear, (Jesus!) your cheek.... All the time she is
messing with your mind, she is saying, “baby, I’m sorry.” Before you know it,
you are the one saying, “baby, I’m sorry.” NO!!!! NO!!!NO!!!!! I reject this for you in Jesus name! This is not how it was supposed to end. Push her on the couch, or on the road sef, and run for ya life. Bros, women understand how to use seduction to get away with murder. What the hell are you telling her sorry for? 9 times out of 10 you are wrong, but this time she was definitely the bad guy.
This ain’t the time for junior to start poking out his
one-eyed self. Take a deep breath and stand strong. Look at the wall if you
have to-anywhere but her puppy eyes. Ask yourself if you did anything to
provoke her bad behavior. If you are 100% positive (not 80%, not 99%) you
didn’t cause any of her actions, darling, you need to make her understand she
upset you. But please no yelling or screaming- only children and women do that.
And no retaliation to hurt her. They say two wrongs don’t make it right…
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