
Inspirational Quotes

  • To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. ― Donald Rumsfeld while serving as US Secretary of Defense

Sunday, 3 March 2013

RELATIONSHIPS: I bust the window out your car...

I had a dream yesterday. In my dream, some trifling nigga (excuse my French *ahem*) was playing mind games with me and another chick. This dude was not even that good looking – thank God it was just a dream- and he come dey act like im own the world.
When I found out what this insignificado was up to, I planned for him. I didn’t scream or shout. I just walked out of his life. Lie, Lie! Just like that? Mba oh! I bought a sharp knife

STYLE: 2013...Skinny Jeans in or out?

Do grown men still wear skinny jeans? I think Jay-Z says it best:

"Can't wear skinny jeans 'cause my knots don't fit"
nuff said...